Volunteers are the lifeline for every lab that comes through MHLRM. Just look into the eyes of any of the rescues and you will see their eternal gratitude for that second chance at life... The second chance our volunteers gave to them. They are so thankful a volunteer listened to that inner voice that nudged them into signing up to do that home study, showing up to that meet-and-greet to talk with potential adopters, or opening up their home to foster that Lab in need. Yes, every one of our volunteers makes a difference -- no matter what the contribution. Without our volunteers, we would not have been able to help nearly 3900 Labs since December 2009.
We have some of the best volunteers around! Still, we struggle to meet the demands of all the Labs that end up in shelters every week. The numbers are truly staggering, and the work to be done is never-ending. What can you do to help?
While fostering is our greatest need, it isn't for everyone. If you can't foster, there are still so many ways you can help:
Transporting - We always need help moving dogs and/or supplies. Usually, our highest need is picking up a new MHLRM arrival from their transport and getting them to their foster accommodations. We also need help sometimes delivering food to current foster dogs, delivering supplies to current fosters, taking a dog to a vet visit, etc. If you have time and don't mind driving your car, we can always use you!
Volunteer to Screen Home Visits and Applications - We receive applications from potential adopters from all over the country. Occasionally, we do not have adequate help to respond to applications, request home visits, screen home visits, and conduct phone interviews. This can result in delayed processing for some applicants, something we want to avoid. If this interests you, please let us know. We can provide training with a seasoned volunteer until you are ready to do a few on your own.
Admin work, admin work, admin work...
Are you creative and can pull together features for our Facebook page? We always need people to reach out to our fosters, gather good photos and information about our dogs, and pull together foster features.
Volunteer photographers to take great photos of our foster dogs!
Our greatest need is fosters. We do have a separate application for fosters. Please go to the Foster Application page to complete the foster application.
Do you have other ideas or want to help but have a limited schedule? If so, just let us know what interests you and how much time you have. We can find the perfect volunteer opportunity to fit your schedule. Even volunteering an afternoon or two every once in a while can make all the difference for a lab in need.
Give a deserving Lab a "new leash on life" by becoming a volunteer and filling out the form below.